We had a fantastic Church Weekend away in April. Some pictures are shown below.
Quick summary of what is happening in the life of Cornerstone:
- Student Group continues but will finish over the summer when students return home. (Last one 11th June)
- Men’s Group is the 2nd Saturday of the month – we are just finalising plans for June and July and details will be announced.
- Women’s breakfast is the 1st Saturday of the month. Next one is Saturday 3rd June at 9.30 am.
- Cornerstone Playspace is a baby / toddler group every Tuesday morning (6 weeks on, 2 weeks off).
- We are planning the next games evening / afternoon, hopefully in June.
- Homegroups run once a week on Mondays and Tuesdays, and one Sunday a month.
- Next bring and share lunch is Sunday 4th June.
- Prayer 2nd and 4th Sunday evening of the month, and every Wednesday morning on zoom.
We have just started our latest Kintsugi course. If you would like to join the next one please let us know.
Our services start at 10.15 for tea and coffee and 10.30 for worship. Everyone is very welcome. There are Children and Youth Church during the service.
All our latest talks are on Castbox – click here
If you would like any further information please contact [email protected]