We had a busy May with The Noise, where we ran a pop-up café and helped clearing litter. We hope to run another pop-up café in the summer, and if you are interested in being involved, please let us know. We also launched our first Games Group, and our next one is in June.
We would like to run a CAP Money Course in the Autumn, but we need some volunteers to join the team. If you would like to get involved, please let us, we would love to have you onboard.
Some dates for the diary:
5th June – Family service and bring and share lunch
11th June – Men’s breakfast
11th June – Game’s group (3 pm)
18th June – Women’s breakfast
In addition:
Toddler Group – Every Tuesday
Home Groups – Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (and once a month on a Sunday)
Prayer Groups – Wednesdays and every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Our services are every Sunday starting at 10.30 and after we have refreshments. This is a great way to meet and talk to other people. Check out Castbox for all our talks if you have missed any.
If you have any questions, or would like any more information of what is happening then please email [email protected]