Services will continue but expect fewer people with holidays, and students returning home. We are now serving tea and coffee before and after the service.
Men’s Group has now stopped for the Summer and re-starts in September. We continue the series on the fruits of the spirit:
September- faithfulness
October – gentleness
December – self control
On 15th October there is the South-West Men’s Convention 2022. If you would like to go let us know
The Women’s Group has its final session for Summer on the 23 July and then back in September.
We are hoping to do one final games group before restarting in September. The planned date is the 24 July.
The toddler group will restart in September.
Students have now gone home for the Summer but will be returning in September.
If you are a member of a home group these may run over the summer. Please speak to your home group leader and keep an eye out for updates on the prayer group.
Our weekend away is the 21 – 23 April 2023!!! It will come round really quickly! Details on costs and how you can pay will come out in the Autumn but clear the diary, it is a great way to spend time together.
We are always looking for volunteers to join our various teams. If you think you can help, please let Rae know. There are more details on the board at Church.
Finally, have a blessed summer, keep an eye out for what is happening from September and remember you can catch-up on talks via Castbox. If you need to contact us please email [email protected]