What is happening in the Life of Cornerstone in September
Posted on in Monthly News
Services continued over the summer but many of us have been away visiting family and friends, at weddings and on holiday so numbers have been a little depleted. From September much of the normal activity resumes. Services Our services are every Sunday starting at 10.30, with refreshments provided before and afterwards. There are groups for children, youth, and students. Prayer…
What is happening in the life of Cornerstone over the Summer?
Posted on in Monthly News
Services will continue but expect fewer people with holidays, and students returning home. We are now serving tea and coffee before and after the service. Men’s Group has now stopped for the Summer and re-starts in September. We continue the series on the fruits of the spirit: September- faithfulness October – gentleness December – self control On 15th October there…
What is happening in the life of Cornerstone during June?
Posted on in Monthly News
We had a busy May with The Noise, where we ran a pop-up café and helped clearing litter. We hope to run another pop-up café in the summer, and if you are interested in being involved, please let us know. We also launched our first Games Group, and our next one is in June. We would like to run a…
What is happening in the life of Cornerstone during May?
Posted on in Monthly News
We are very much back in Church. If you are new, come and say hello, we are a friendly bunch. The service on a Sunday starts at 10.30 and after we have refreshments, and this is a great way to meet and talk to other people. Some dates for the diary: 1st May – Baptism Service, and bring and share…